Friday, 21 October 2016

Technical Blog Entry 3

Procedural Texture Playground This really isn't done yet, why not go look at the second technical blogpost, it has web apps now!

This blogpost will go over some of the methods to generate textures procedurally, focusing on the uses of noise.

html5 canvas goes here Pseudorandom Number Generation

Pseudorandom Number Generation

Generator Seed:

html5 canvas goes here
Firstly an aside on how computers generate random numbers, done procedurally by polling some part of the system that changes quickly, often the clock at a microsecond rate. This value is then used in an algorithm that has good randomness <link>

Can be nice to be able to affect this pseudorandom generator so that you can recreate the same results repeatedly. Used in any random map generator with a seed. see example pseudorandom output of balls to the left.

Complete randomness, white noise. Suitable for some purposes but is paradoxically distinctive. Humans good at seeing no pattern.
<pictures of main noise types>
Look into noise which has local patterns.

Perlin Noise

Perlin Noise

Generator Seed:

html5 canvas goes here
Perlin noise <link> very popular algorithm, used in minecraft. Gives nice, fluffy cloud patterns. Idea of octaves of noise with pic <octaves> Can be put to good use depending on how you parse the values it creates. eg. terrain, smoke, contours, wood, fire etc.

Noise in Multiple Dimensions/Time

Time Varying Noise

html5 canvas goes here
Idea of generalised N-dimensional noise. Prospect of animation using it. can I manage to create frames of animation to then play?
burning animation only needs to vary values globally.
<web app here>
electrical effect would be nice...

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